Show Your Company A Little LOVE This Month



As this month is Valentine’s day, a holiday dedicated to showing the ones you care about how much you love them, why not show a little to your company?

It’s been more than a month since the holidays ended, and now that we are in the second month of the new year, and some of us may be starting to lag behind on the resolutions we made at the beginning of January. Don’t let yourself get caught in the lull of winter, stay engaged and continue working on your goals and resolutions you made for yourself.

Why not take this holiday to show a little love for yourself, and for your business?? Take this time to keep your Minutes current so that you don’t have to catch up later in the year. You’ll save lots of time that you can spend with the most important people in your life, your family and friends. It will also save you stress, so you can have peace of mind all year knowing you are caught up.

Need Minutes service? Get it HERE, and let us take care of them for you! Then you can spend even more time with the ones you love the most, knowing that your business is taken care of and on top of things, and always protected.





Did You Know You Are An Expert?

Guest post by Barbara Rozgonyi, publisher of Wired PR Works

People have questions. You have answers. That makes you, to them, an expert. What do you want to be known for? Here’s some help on figuring out how to be the “know it all” go-to resource in your area of expertise.

Today it doesn’t take a website or a blog to connect with a community online, but it does take some strategic planning and effort. Before you begin answering questions on a site, take some time to think about who you want to be known by and for what do you want to be known.

1. Who Do You Want to Reach?
Answering questions on a site like LinkedIn puts you in front of millions –if they’re searching for your topic. But, maybe smaller is better, especially if having local connections will help you meet your business goals. If you don’t need international influence, then look for smaller centers of influence in forums and LinkedIn groups. Keep in mind that you’ll need a broad reach on a wide platform if writing a book is one of your goals.

2. Professional Industry or Client-Centered Comments?
Joining in with a professional industry group will keep you up-to-date and allow you to get feedback. Because you are all providing the same professional service, joining a group where your customers are will bring you more business. Look for groups where you can easily rank as one of the five top experts or better yet, own the category. Watch out for forums where you’ll be saying the same thing as dozens of other people. Even in these situations, adding a personal touch such as a reference to website of the person who asked the question or a story from your experience will set you apart.

3. How Should You Keep Track of Your Answers?
Compose your answers in Word and save a copy to use in your newsletter, blog or file. Drop in the URL or topic so you can go back and track the follow-up conversation. Be on the lookout for partnerships and connect with people you’d like to know better.

4. How Much Time Should You Spend?
Budget a specific amount of time and don’t go over. It’s easy to get carried away with comments. Resist the urge to become an annoying know-it-all. Even though you may know the answer to every question, give others a turn. Start out by setting aside an hour at the beginning or end of the day to answer comments. Scanning questions takes less time. On some days, you may not have any questions to answer at all.

5. Question Resources: Places to Find Questions to Answer
HARO – Help A Reporter Out
LinkedIn Answers
LinkedIn Groups
Yahoo Groups

So, what are you an expert at?

Barbara Rozgonyi is the founder of CoryWest Media, LLC, a virtual public relations and marketing consultancy that gets new media to work for you. As publisher of, Barbara reports on ways to use marketing, social media and public relations to grow business, build brands, raise visibility and connect communities. To stay updated on how to use social media and PR, visit Originally posted at