Social Media Mistakes



Are You Making These Costly Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

Understanding what NOT to do in regards to social media is nearly as critical as knowing what you should do. Below are some social media slipups to avoid at all costs!

Jokes at other people’s expense – It should go without having to say, but you really need to think before you send anything out into cyberspace for the world to see. Above all, don’t try and take advantage of someone else’s bad luck or indiscretion to promote your own products or services. While a celebrity death or embarrassing scandal might appear to be easy fodder for attracting eyeballs, you’re almost certainly going to tick off as many people as you tickle!

Offensive statements and political rants – Closely connected is the temptation to broadcast your preferences political, social or otherwise, which may well have the misfortune of NOT aligning with those of your clients and customers. Don’t go there! Keep from sharing anything that might be misunderstood, or you’ll end up scrambling for cover! Once trust is broken, it’s very hard to rebuild.

Not making business only accounts – An account solely devoted to your business has not only a far greater chance of being found in the search engine results, it projects an altogether more professional image for your business.

No social media buttons on your website – These are readily available for all social media platforms, and you’re shooting yourself in the foot if they’re inaccessible on your homepage and every post you make. This makes it easy for your readers to share your posts and in doing so help promote your business.

Not using your social media profiles to link back to your site – You’ve gone to all the bother to create and use these social sites, why not take the free, authoritative link they’re offering back to you! Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Google all permit you to link back to your website. There’s five great links to your site, and a great chance for your (hopefully) many followers to end up on your site.