Business Trips – Make it a Family Affair

Business Trip + Family Vacation = One Happy Family

Make it a Family Affair.

Now that the holidays are upon us, we all want to spend more time with our families enjoying the season. While we want to take all this time off to enjoy it with our loved ones, we know that if we do that, Santa won’t have the means to bring a big Christmas to all the girls and boys. Instead of letting  a business trip stand in the way of family time, make it a family affair and bring them with you!

This trip will take a little bit of planning before you go, but it is possible to take the crew along and enjoy some family time. Before you go, you will need to: read more

Peach Mango Salsa

Peach Mango Salsa

4 peaches, pitted & diced
4 roma tomatoes, diced
1 mango, diced
1 green pepper, diced
½ red onion, finely diced
1 jalapeno, seeded & finely chopped
1 t. salt
1 T. sugar
Lemon juice from ½ lemon

Combine all together and allow to sit for 15 minutes for flavors to marry. Stir and serve as a dip, or as a compliment to tacos, salad, chicken or fish. Delicious!

End of the Year

It creeps up on us: The Last Quarter, The End of the Year.

What do you need to do to wrap your year up right for your business?

Many business owners are now thinking about CONSOLIDATED PROMISSORY NOTES. Or if you aren’t, maybe you should be.

How many “Loans to officer” has your company issued this year? Hopefully each loan has been accompanied by a promissory note.

Now’s the time to take a look at those notes and consider consolidating them into one nice lump sum promissory note. It will give you a cleaner record book and an easier end-of-year report. read more

When Minute Books Can Be Spooky

I was talking to a business owner friend the other day and he asked me to review his minute book to see what needed to be done.

I asked him “When was your company filed?”

“In 2010,” he said, “and I’m pretty sure I’m missing some minutes…”

So I opened his minute book and that is when I got a surprise

(cue spooky music here)….

Inside his book, he had his Operating Agreement (a good first sign), but it wasn’t signed, there were no minutes at all…not even his Organizational Meeting, and the certificates were blank. read more

Making the Most of JAM, Part Two


Remember when we gave you some great ways to get the most from you Just A Minute account here? Want more ways to make sure you are making the most of your account with us, making sure you are completely covered when it comes to your minutes? Here are some more tips from us, your minute experts, to make sure you get the best service possible!

Completing Monthly Minutes

Use the “Reminder Sheet” you’ve filled out during the previous month to help you remember all of your business activities. read more

Socail Media Tips: FaceBook Platform and Your Website

These days, being “Social” online is very important for small and large businesses. It lets your customers know about special sales you are having, what is happening at your business, and helps them get to know you, and become more likely to buy and use your products if they are familiar with your business.

One great way to help your company’s website become more “Social” is to take advantage of Facebook. Just about everyone you know and their mother is on Facebook these days, so what better way to connect with your clients than to go where they go? One of the best tools that has come from Facebook for the many businesses that have joined is PLATFORM. Your Facebook Platform is an easy way to connect your company’s Facebook page and your company’s website together, and to be able to bring customers and fans right to your website, while you are socializing with them and the millions of Facebook users. Platform is there to help you create a strong presence of Facebook, and when you have a strong presence on Facebook, your business is part of these conversations and has access to the most powerful kind of word-of-mouth marketing. Another great benefit: they can help you build apps just for your fans and customers to use! read more

3 Ingredient Banana Strawberry JAM “Ice Cream”

You scream, I scream, we all scream for ice cream! Right?? Or, at least we would if it wasn’t so unhealthy for us. Well, how about a delicious, HEALTHY alternative to all those grams of fat and unwanted calories? And the best part, You probably have all the ingredients at home right now!

3 Ingredient Banana Strawberry “Ice Cream”  –  Serves 3-4ice cream

  • 3 frozen bananas
  • 2-3 tablespoons half-and-half
  • 5 tablespoons seedless strawberry jam

Peel, slice and freeze 3 bananas over night. place in a food processor and pulse till pea sized or just smaller. Slowly add half-and-half, a tablespoon at at time as you continue to process the bananas till smooth and well blended. If you have an ice cream  maker, this is where you get it out, and if not, just put banana puree back in the freezer for 30-45 minutes before continuing to next step. read more

Hot Pink Breakfast Drink

We all know that starting the day off right means starting with a healthy breakfast. Lately, everywhere you go you  hear about “Green Smoothies” and all the amazing benefits of drinking your vegetables for breakfast. Over here we have as different, more delicious, color to try to amp up your morning routine!

The Hot Pink Breakfast Drinka bright pink juice made from fruits and vegetables

We have this every morning. The recipe serves 2-3.

6 carrots

2 stalks celery

1 leaf kale

½ beet with greens

2 apples

1 orange (peeled)

Put all above in a juicer…. delicious! read more

Making the Most of JAM, Part One


Now that you’ve hired us, make sure you are getting the most out of us! After all, that’s why we are here for you, to make your life easier and save you lots of time so you can focus on running the business, not worrying if you are properly documenting that you are running your business! If you are wondering what making the the most of your Just A Minute, LLC (JAM) account, let us fill you in on some tips from us, your minute doing experts!

Initial Questionnaire

Gather all of the company information you’ve received so far. It most likely will include: read more

Tax Free Back to School Days in August

Mark your calendars, it’s that time again! Select States’ Local governments are offering TAX FREE shopping days in August to help out with back to school shoppers. Eligible items include school supplies and some include computers and computer software. We talked about it last year, and here is an updated list of dates for your state for this year.

Check the list below to see if your state qualifies.

Sorry, Arizona, we are not on the list!

Eligible Items: Clothing (up to $100), computers (up to $750), school supplies (up to $50), books (up to $30).
Dates: August 3-5 read more