Mobile Computing Revolution


How to Cash in on the Mobile Revolution

The web is going mobile, and it’s not too late to jump onboard the mobile bandwagon and snatch a slice of what is increasingly becoming an extremely large pie! Google reports that more than half of all local searches are executed on mobile devices of some sort. Everyone is doing business on the move, browsing and price comparing on the way to shop. Now is the time to make sure your business is aligned to take advantage of this mobile innovation. Here are five easy ways to get this done! read more

Easter Surprise Rolls


These Easter Surprise Rolls are simple to make and delicious! I made these growing up and I think since they are SO easy to make, we actually made them more often than just Easter time! They take only minutes to put together, and are so fun to make with kids (I know, I made them when I was one!) The surprise comes when you bite into one of the warm rolls and find they are EMPTY! What happened to the marshmallow?! Enjoy.

Easter Surprise Rolls

1/4 c. sugar
1 t. cinnamon
2 pkg. crescent rolls (refrigerated)
16 large marshmallows
1/4 c. melted butter read more

Social Media Mistakes


Are You Making These Costly Social Media Marketing Mistakes?

Understanding what NOT to do in regards to social media is nearly as critical as knowing what you should do. Below are some social media slipups to avoid at all costs!

Jokes at other people’s expense – It should go without having to say, but you really need to think before you send anything out into cyberspace for the world to see. Above all, don’t try and take advantage of someone else’s bad luck or indiscretion to promote your own products or services. While a celebrity death or embarrassing scandal might appear to be easy fodder for attracting eyeballs, you’re almost certainly going to tick off as many people as you tickle! read more

Top 7 Ways to Delight and Engage your Facebook Fans


You have a Facebook page. You have some fans. Nicely done. Now, like the smart business you are, you’re looking for some proven ways to engage your followers so you can acquire more of them and make the most of your presence on Facebook.

Engaging your fans is a critical piece to building and maintaining a long-lasting relationships on Facebook—and offline! Here are a few timeless strategies that local businesses are using with great results.

1. Spread the Love

Tell your fans how much you appreciate them. Tell ‘em often! read more

Can your Business Benefit from Marketing on Pinterest?


Pinterest is a social network that allows individuals and businesses to create online image collections—called “Pinboards”—and easily share them with other users. Is this hot and (relatively) new social media site a good tool for your business? Let’s have a look!

1. You Could Use More Website Traffic [Yes/No]

Get this: Pinterest drives more traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn—combined. And according to a user poll conducted by marketing firm SteelHouse, Pinterest users are twice as likely to buy stuff than Facebook users. read more

Improve Your Facebook Page


Make Your Facebook Page Come to Life

Curious about how you can improve your Facebook page quickly and easily? There are lots of ways to do this, but to help you get off to a flying start we’ll limit ourselves to just eight for the moment. These methods will not only help you get more visibility in Google, but in addition lay the foundation for better customer relationships that result in greater loyalty, which has obvious and numerous benefits.

  1. Commit to Facebook – Facebook takes some effort, plus a bit of time. Many marketers who have set up a Facebook page for their business subsequently abandon it, this makes a statement about their company. Make a rock-solid commitment to post updates and content regularly, and to engage with those people who are following you. Otherwise, it’s a waste of time.
  2. Lose the Facebook-generated URL – Make sure you get a custom URL for your Facebook page. This will help greatly with search engine optimization (SEO)  or anyone trying to find you.
  3. Don’t Auto-Post Your Tweets – Twitter is great, but don’t make the mistake of reposting the exact same tweets onto your Facebook page. Make sure you post fresh content, not warmed-over stuff from somewhere else.
  4. Keep Updates Short and Sweet – Short is in these days. Short content, short videos, short stacks. (No wait, that was breakfast …) There is a time for longer posts, but generally make an effort to keep them reasonably short – less than 150 characters.
  5. Deliver Lots of Awesome Content – Creating content that people can use and are talking about will always be the #1 mission for your page.
  6. Engage with Your Audience – Encourage discussion, post great photos and shareable content, hold contests, ask questions, anything to get the conversation going!
  7. Be Responsive – Take complaints seriously, and be proactive responding to anyone who asks questions. You’ll be able to head off a lot of trouble this way.
  8. Post Photos – According to Facebook, posts that include a photo album, picture or video generate about 180%, 120% and 100% more engagement than text-only updates, respectively.

Using these tips will give you a terrific head start toward making your Facebook page a subject of conversation! read more

Google+ Local Listing


How to ignite your Google+ listing the simple way

Google+ has so far not been taken overly serious by businesses looking to promote their products and services. This is quickly changing! Google+ has positioned itself nicely to challenge Facebook as a primary social network for business. Websites using the +1 Button increase page traffic by 350%, and over 925,000 people join Google+ every day! Put together all of the functionality of your Google account, and massive search engine benefits, you’ve got something we can get serious about. read more

Mobile Marketing For Business


5 Big Business Marketing Tips that Won’t Bust a Small Business Budget

Mobile marking can be a goldmine!

But you wouldn’t know it looking at the marketing activities of many local businesses…

While it’s true that the mobile revolution is here, local business owners are still struggling to catch up with changing consumer behavior. In a survey of 500 small-business owners, only 26 percent of respondents said they’ve invested time and money in making sure their site was optimized for mobile devices. What does this mean to you? It means you’ve got a great chance to get noticed as a leader among local businesses—and poach competitors’ customers in the process! read more

Five Essential Steps for Small Business Marketing


5 Essentials of Small Business Marketing to Keep You Ahead of the Competition

Small business marketing isn’t for the faint of heart, but if you’ve been in marketing for more than two seconds, you already know that. Marketing your business is dependent upon doing some key factors well and these things will make or break a small business in this dog eat dog world we live in. Competition is fierce and understanding how to get the most from your web pages is tricky.

Here are five crucial steps to get ahead of the game! read more

Seven Advantages to Using LinkedIn for Business


Hey Small Business Owners: You’re Using LinkedIn, Right?

LinkedIn needs to be ranked among the big three of social media sites, right along with Facebook and Twitter. But LinkedIn is really more important for your small business because unlike its rivals, this social-media site focuses particularly on business. This means that, you won’t have people on LinkedIn posting on how good their oatmeal tasted this morning.

How companies are leveraging LinkedIn

You operate a business. Your time is in short supply. Exactly why should you bother with LinkedIn? Here are some ways your peers (there are 1.3 million small-business owners on the network) are employing it to their benefit: read more