Are you neglecting your business?

Are you neglecting your business?…

Right now MOST business owners ARE neglecting their business! I’m sure you are thinking… How can I be neglecting my business when I basically eat and sleep there?

Yes you may spend many hours working on the growth of your company, but do you have a solid foundation?

A solid foundation is crucial in protecting your corporate veil and keeping your personal and company assets protected.

You are probably wondering what that solid foundation is….Well your solid foundation is PROPER LEGAL documentation! read more

News Flash

Just A Minute, LLC is featured in the Arizona Republic!

Linda, co-owner of JAM was asked to read and review, Conquer the Chaos, a book about overcoming the struggles of developing a business from the ground up, written by the founders of Infusionsoft.

Infusionsoft is an email marketing 2.0 and CRM Company created for entrepreneurs.       We’ve been using the program for over a year and love it!

Just A Minute, LLC takes part in “extra-curriculars” provided by their company (mastermind calls, success courses, and conferences). read more

Helping Small Business Owners – My Crusade

Yep. I’m on a crusade. Here’s why.

I have found that 87% of small business owners neglect one of the most important parts of their business – their company record book. Although it takes only minutes every month to do the paperwork, it gets neglected because the business owner doesn’t have the time or doesn’t know how.

Not keeping up with your records is a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off.

What do I mean by records? I mean the monthly resolutions and annual meeting minutes.

Every time you make a decision for your company, you must document it. Say you decided to purchase a new copy machine, or hire a new employee. That decision must be documented in a written resolution. read more

Are You Leading Your Company With Your “WHY”?

All the great inspiring leaders in the world, all think, act and communicate in the exact same way…. and it’s the exact opposite from everyone else.

In this transformational 18 minute video, Simon Sinek teaches us his “golden circle” theory…and how you can be the inspirational action leader in your company.

This is an important video for us all.

Simon Sinek….
TEDx Puget Sound speaker – Simon Sinek – Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Did You Know You Are An Expert?

Guest post by Barbara Rozgonyi, publisher of Wired PR Works

People have questions. You have answers. That makes you, to them, an expert. What do you want to be known for? Here’s some help on figuring out how to be the “know it all” go-to resource in your area of expertise.

Today it doesn’t take a website or a blog to connect with a community online, but it does take some strategic planning and effort. Before you begin answering questions on a site, take some time to think about who you want to be known by and for what do you want to be known. read more

Is Your Annual Meeting Next Month?

Just A Minute LLC does company minutesMany of you are scheduled to have your annual meeting in May. This is a great opportunity to plan a trip and use it for a tax deduction. (see previous video post.)

Your Annual Meeting is the most important meeting of the year for your company.

At your annual meeting, you approve all the actions you made last year, you may vote on new officers and directors, and you may plan for future activities or projects. Your annual meeting minutes lists your “team”  – your lawyer, accountant, bookkeeper, etc. – in your company summary as well as listing all the major decisions you have made on behalf of your company for the past year.

But most importantly, it protects you.

How does an annual meeting protect you? Well, if it is done right, and if you have an accurate record of everything you have done over the past year, and if you have the minutes of the meeting in writing with the correct legal form, and it is signed and placed in your minute book, then you are conducting business like a business. What happens if you don’t have your annual meeting documented properly and in your company record book?

The results could be disastrous.

If you are sued your corporate veil could be pierced (even if you have an LLC!). In other words, you could lose the asset protection of your business entity and your personal assets could be in jeopardy. read more

Win an iPad

Win a New iPad in May 2010

Want a new iPad? Well, a brand spankin’ new iPad from Apple could be yours!

Refer a friend who purchases a yearly subscription for minutes and you will be entered to win! (No limit to the number of friends you may refer — one entry per purchasing friend).

Here’s why (and how you can win):

Just A Minute, LLC has been working hard on it’s new…  (Read more and win)

Which Video Camera is Best? Flip Video vs. Kodak Zi8

As you know, online videos are all the rage. Putting them on your blog or website can greatly impact your bottom line. YouTube is HUGE…..and making videos is really fun. But what is the best “pocket” camera to use for the best quality?

I tested the Flip Video and the Kodak Zi8 (both highly recommended) and did a very UN-scientific test.

Here’s what happened:

Learn more about the Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video Camera (Black) and the Flip UltraHD Camcorder, 120 Minutes (Black) (FTC notice: If you purchase from this link, I will get a few dollars in compensation from Amazon).
read more