These days, being “Social” online is very important for small and large businesses. It lets your customers know about special sales you are having, what is happening at your business, and helps them get to know you, and become more likely to buy and use your products if they are familiar with your business.
One great way to help your company’s website become more “Social” is to take advantage of Facebook. Just about everyone you know and their mother is on Facebook these days, so what better way to connect with your clients than to go where they go? One of the best tools that has come from Facebook for the many businesses that have joined is PLATFORM. Your Facebook Platform is an easy way to connect your company’s Facebook page and your company’s website together, and to be able to bring customers and fans right to your website, while you are socializing with them and the millions of Facebook users. Platform is there to help you create a strong presence of Facebook, and when you have a strong presence on Facebook, your business is part of these conversations and has access to the most powerful kind of word-of-mouth marketing. Another great benefit: they can help you build apps just for your fans and customers to use!