We all know we should do our daily affirmations.
This is my favorite example of how it should be done.
At Just A Minute, LLC we do this every morning.
We all know we should do our daily affirmations.
This is my favorite example of how it should be done.
At Just A Minute, LLC we do this every morning.
Many of you are scheduled to have your annual meeting in May. This is a great opportunity to plan a trip and use it for a tax deduction. (see previous video post.)
Your Annual Meeting is the most important meeting of the year for your company.
But most importantly, it protects you.
The results could be disastrous.
If you are sued your corporate veil could be pierced (even if you have an LLC!). In other words, you could lose the asset protection of your business entity and your personal assets could be in jeopardy.
When should your annual meeting take place?
Look in your company operating agreement or by-laws. It will tell you when your annual meeting should be held.
Just A Minute, LLC takes all the worry from you.
Want a new iPad? Well, a brand spankin’ new iPad from Apple could be yours!
Refer a friend who purchases a yearly subscription for minutes and you will be entered to win! (No limit to the number of friends you may refer — one entry per purchasing friend).
Here’s why (and how you can win):
Just A Minute, LLC has been working hard on it’s new… (Read more and win)
Gmail has a glich! Some of their links are not clickable.
Thanks to Frank Bauer and his post of Feb. 10, we know why.
Click here to see why some of your gmail links may not be clickable.
Thanks, Frank for the info.
Be sure to comment on his blog (and this one too) if you appreciate the information.
This business tip is from Patricia Drain . I learned this bit of wisdom from her years ago, and it’s true!
Here’s what Patricia says:
Once you learn how creating systems in your business will make your business flow more easily, then you will have the key to success. Create just ONE system in your business today.
I started systemizing everything — from how the phone was answered, to how meetings would unfold, to how invoices looked when they were mailed out.
Guess what that did for my business?
I didn’t have to “show up” to help the business grow.
I created more value in my business.
In fact, when I sold that business, the buyer said “What made me buy your business over the 20 others I looked at, were the ‘systems’ you created.”
The IRS recently hired 3,000 new field agents. Their purpose? To audit small businesses.
You see, they think they can find deductions that businesses reported on their tax return and disallow them….and then collect the money — plus penalty and interest.
What does that mean for you as a small business owner? It means you should be sure your company paperwork is current. That means your minutes and resolutions should be in your company minute book.
So, if you decide to purchase any equipment that costs over $500, you should create a company resolution that you are going to purchase that piece of equipment, sign it and put it in your company minute book.
If you decide to take out a loan, it should also be documented. There are hundreds of other minutes and resolutions that should be documented so you can protect your company.
How are you supposed to know everything you should document? How do you word the document so it is legal? What form should you use?
That’s how Just A Minute, LLC can help. They prepare your minutes and resolutions for you. Simply go online and answer a few questions that will jog your memory about what to include in your minutes.
They do the rest. They select the proper form and use the correct legal language. Then they prepare the monthly resolutions for you. They also prepare your annual minutes.
All you need to do is sign them and put them in your company minute book.
You don’t have to worry about those 3,000 new IRS agents. And your business will be safe and protected.
You can contact Just A Minute, LLC at 1-888-552-6552 or at http://www.JustAMinuteLLC.com
Websites and blogs can get messy. After a while you have so many links to this and that and the other.
What if one of your links is not working? How would you ever know?
Dead-Links to the rescue! http://www.dead-links.com
I have been using this handy dandy little tools for years.
All you have to do is type your URL into the box and it spiders through your site (not the protected areas, tho) and it finds all the dead links.
Then you can go and fix those pesky links. Thank you, dead-links.com.
I know I like to watch videos (especially short ones). I know they sell. But how to make them?….Watch Andy Jenkins.
I hope all of you are watching the Andy Jenkins videos on how to make a great video. He does a great job of teaching us some techniques …. and without selling something!….that is unusual.
I am also enjoying Lon Naylor’s comments about Andy’s videos. Be sure to read Lon’s blog post.
Don’t forget to download the videos to your hard drive so you can watch them at a later date. Did you notice that little download link right below the videos?
I’ve watched them 3 times so far and plan on watching them several more times. It’s amazing how I learn something new that I didn’t catch the last time I viewed it.
One of my favorite things I learned is that Andy uses a Mac!! Several months ago I switched from my 27 years of using a PC to a Mac. I have to say I love it! Just got my PC ingrained daughter a Mac (she didn’t think she would like it)….but she is in total love, too.
So….I guess I’ll go learn all the nuances of Keynote. Thanks, Andy.
by Steven W. Allen, J.D.
[This is an excerpt of his article “Words” — to read the entire article click here]
Perhaps you remember that commercial which began: “People do judge you
by the words you use!” As an author and an attorney, I love words, I work
with words, I help others with words. Words are my tools.
. . .
Companies have distinct tax benefits, asset protection characteristics, and
valuation procedures. To keep such benefits, companies are required to keep
written records of their business decisions known as “minutes.” Such
records set these companies apart as separate and distinct entities for a
business purpose. Companies must meet at least annually, and more often for
unique or major business decisions.
If your company doesn’t keep accurate minutes of the annual or major
decisions, this company can be considered not to exist as a separate and
distinct entity for business purposes. That means the company loses its tax
benefits and its asset protection benefits.
“Asset, (as’est) noun, a useful thing or quality, a single item of
ownership having exchange value.” The things your company uses or that you
use personally.
“Protect, (pro tekt’) verb, to defend or guard from attack, invasion, loss
or annoyance, insult, etc.”
Companies are judged by the words they use. And they may be judged (by a
court of law) by the words they don’t use, or minutes they don’t have. Keep
up the minutes. Defend your company and your things from attack, invasion,
loss or annoyance, insult, etc. You will be judged by the words you use.
Jeff Herring’s blog was really inspirational to me.
He said: The next time you find yourself arguing for your own limitations
and believing in them, I suggest you watch this video and ask
“And what does that have to do with anything?”