Is it Time for a Small Business Rescue?

3-13-is-it-time-for-business-rescueIt’s really surprising how many Small Business Rescues we have completed in the last few months.
We are finding more and more business owners who need to be “rescued.”

Is this you?

Click HERE to find out what a rescue is, and if you need one for your company.

When we “rescue” a company, we are essentially setting up the foundational documents and that
are needed to build a strong company; documents such as: Operating Agreement (for an LLC) or
Bylaws (for a Corporation), Organizational Meeting and Company Summary, Exhibits identifying
managers and/or officers, and initial capital contributions.  A rescue also includes a company
minute book, company seal, company stock certificates and transfer ledger.

Recently, Aubrey and I just completed a rescue for a client who had SIX companies that each
needed attention. What a blast! I don’t know about you, but at our office we LOVE to organize
and get company documents in ship shape. I guess that is why we do what we do! It becomes a
little more complicated with that many companies to handle (some were LLCs, others were
Incorporated). We had fun creating the spreadsheets to manage them all.

The great thing about a rescue is that when it’s done, it’s DONE! The foundational documents
don’t have to be created again. BUT, the ongoing minutes and meetings must now be kept.

So, take a look at your company documents… and your company minute book. How strong is your
foundation? Is it time for a Rescue?

Click HERE for more information about our Rescue program and costs involved.