Screenr — Online Application that Rocks!

Have you seen it?

It’s the new Online Screen Capture application — and it’s FREE! Free is always good.

Have you ever just wished you could be right next your buddy at his computer to show him where he should click? Sometimes it’s impossible when he lives across town or in another state or even another country.

Now you can instantly record your screen AND record your voice, make a video and tweet it to him . . . all within seconds.

Or you could put it up on YouTube or even on your own site.

This is an amazing online application . . . and you don’t have to download a thing!

Watch the 1-Minute video at


There’s a million applications for this amazing application that could help you grow your business.

Just the other day I had a client who needed to know how to become an affiliate for Just A Minute, LLC. I quickly created a screencast showing her how to do it and emailed her the link. VOILA! It worked. I now have a new affiliate.
