October Client Giveaway

Hey JAM clients!  We’re starting something new and fun for you!   We’ve developed a Monthly Giveaway to show you our appreciation all year long.

So long as you’re a part of JAM, you’ll be receiving tips, gifts, and prizes! Check your email during the middle of the month to get your goodie from Just A Minute, LLC.

Gift #1:

Check your email today for a special downloadable version of “Bulletproof your Business from Lawsuits and IRS Audits”.

In this book, created by Kari VanNoy, co-owner of Just A Minute, LLC, you’ll find lots of information about the 13 documents you must have in your minute book.

Because you’re JAM clients, we know that you are awesome with keeping your minute books up to date, but do you know anything about the other documents that are in there?  Find out now and stay out of the dark!

Let us know what you think of “Bulletproof”.  Comment below!