Inspiration from a Cough Drop?

Well, they say you can find inspiration anywhere, right?
But this is just what I needed at a time when I needed it!

I was having some allergy-like symptoms and I knew that
I needed to be at my best this week because I had a webinar
to present on Wednesday and a full week of client appointments.

So I got myself a little extra vitamin C. Have you ever
tried these Halls Defense Vitamin C drops?

Well, when I opened one, I found a nice surprise: some positive
affirmations printed right on the outside of the wrapper!
Sayings like:

“You can do it and you know it.”
“Nothing you can’t handle.”
“Go for it.”
“Power through!”
“Tough is your middle name.”
and “Buckle down and push forth!”

I got a little chuckle out of that, but it
really made an impression. And, you might laugh,
but I kept every one of those little wrappers!

It made me think of the video of Jessica that we had on our blog once before.
If you haven’t seen it yet, be sure to watch it.

In the mean time, be amazing today!

Please share a comment below on how you have been inspired lately.

Until Next Time,

Kari VanNoy
President, Just A Minute LLC