What About the Smaller Daily Deal Sites?
Many small business ownesr are asking not only if Groupon and LivingSocial able to remain afloat, but are they an option for smaller business such as theirs? Or will a smaller daily deal site be more likely to be the ticket to help with your hyperlocal marketing? There are a number of benefits to using a few of the smaller daily deal sites rather than the market beasts, Groupon, LivingSocial Facebook and Google. We’re going to take a look at why sites like Woot, Yelp, eLocal, Local Response, ZipLocal, Signpost, CityMaps, Yipit, and ShowMeLocal might be able to give you a far more agile and consumer-focused result.
So why is a smaller daily deal sites able to shine when the big dogs fail?
We’ve all heard and some lived the horror stories of small business owners who’ve signed up with a daily deal site and been unable to provide the number of deals they were talked into or compelled to purchase. Not so with the smaller companies, since they know that your satisfaction is the only way you’ll return as well as spread the word within your hyperlocal area. Also, even though they typically have smaller staffs, support from a smaller site is easier to get, as you’re usually not being passed over for businesses spending a lot more money than yours.
Some more advantages smaller daily deals have for hyperlocal marketing
Some of these niche sites have the flexibility to adapt and change to your hyperlocal marketing needs. If your campaign needs fine-tuning or adjustment on the fly, it’s much easier to accomplish compared to a larger company. They usually don’t have investors to answer to, and will often make adjustments and decisions that a Groupon couldn’t. They know that they need to come through for your small business, or your business will dry up. Also, in our social environment, and especially with a hyperlocal marketing campaign, word of mouth can offer both a positive and negative effect. Don’t make the mistake of discounting smaller daily deal sites when you are searching for offers. They may be just what you need!