George Washington – You’re Quite A Character

This is the month where we all think about, and pay homage to, how our great country started, and about all our Founding Father’s did to make it such a great place to live. It is because of their courage and sacrifices that we can work hard to make our own way, and open up our own businesses! Let’s say “Thanks” with a great inspirational story about our country’s  first Father! Written by Steve Allen.


George Washington – You’re Quite A Character

When someone remarks:  “Tom, you’re quite a character,” it can be good or not so good. That phrase falls under the 10th usage of the word ‘character’ in the Webster’s Dictionary. Used that way it conveys to the mind that such a person is one who attracts attention because he is different.

George Washington did attract attention because he WAS different. In addition, George Washington was a “man of character.”  Meaning he had moral strength. Most of his strengths were developed by him because of his self control. He worked at becoming a man of character.

In his youth, George recognized that he had several shortcomings or character flaws. For example, he had a troublesome temper. He learned early on that his temper could control him or he could control his temper. He made the conscious decision that he would control his temper.

He was determined to take control of his character in many other ways as well. He was extraordinarily successful in this project for control of the attributes of his disposition and personality.

As I was attempting to write this article, I decided to list a few of the distinguishing character traits demonstrated by the Father of Our Country. Here are a few I jotted down randomly: Honest, humble, patient, resourceful, loyal, courteous, brave, intelligent, determined, reverent, open-minded, decisive, civil, courageous, committed, trustworthy, modest, clean, obedient to authority, and he possessed an overwhelming sense of rectitude, morality and goodness. And that’s just my short list!

Thomas Jefferson said of Washington: “Perhaps the strongest feature in his character was prudence, never acting until every circumstance, every condition, was maturely weighed, refraining if he saw a doubt, but, when once decided, going through with his purpose, whatever obstacles opposed. His integrity was most pure, his justice the most inflexible I have ever known, no motives of interest or consanguinity (blood relationship), of friendship or hatred being able to bias his decision. He was, indeed, in every sense of the words, a wise, good, and a great man.”

I am going to break with my usual disinclination to recommend books (other than “Founding Fathers–Uncommon Heroes,” by Steven W. Allen) and tell you that you should acquire and read “Being George Washington” by Glenn Beck, 2011.

“Being George Washington” is a marvelous book telling and teaching you how George became such a model of excellence. And it accomplishes this through amazing accounts of George’s life–not through preaching, chastisement, or sermonizing–but by gentleness and with new information. It’s not difficult to read and it is quite enjoyable.

Get it, read it, enjoy it, and you’ll soon be on your way to improving your own character.||