Just A Minute LLC loves the Wisdom of Will Smith

I recently viewed this inspiring video of Will Smith. Sit back, relax and take the next 10 minutes to watch this:

My favorite quote is this one:

“I want to do good. I want the world to be a better place because I was here…..If you’re not making someone else’s life better, then you’re wasting your time. Your life will become better by  making other people’s life better.”

At Just A Minute, LLC we are working to make your life better by making it easier to keep your minutes and resolutions up to date. And that in turn helps you keep your company protected. We know you work hard for your company….and we care. read more

Free up Your Time: Create Systems in Your Business

This business tip is from Patricia Drain . I learned this bit of wisdom from her years ago, and it’s true!

Here’s what Patricia says:


Once you learn how creating systems in your business will make your business flow more easily, then you will have the key to success. Create just ONE system in your business today.

I started systemizing everything — from how the phone was answered, to how meetings would unfold, to how invoices looked when they were mailed out. read more

Just A Minute LLC Can Help Protect Your Business

The IRS recently hired 3,000 new field agents. Their purpose? To audit small businesses.

You see, they think they can find deductions that businesses reported on their tax return and disallow them….and then collect the money — plus penalty and interest.

What does that mean for you as a small business owner? It means you should be sure your company paperwork is current. That means your minutes and resolutions should be in your company minute book.

So, if you decide to purchase any equipment that costs over $500, you should create a company resolution that you are going to purchase that piece of equipment, sign it and put it in your company minute book. read more

Business Tip: No Dead Links!

Websites and blogs can get messy. After a while you have so many links to this and that and the other.

What if one of your links is not working? How would you ever know?

Dead-Links to the rescue! http://www.dead-links.com

I have been using this handy dandy little tools for years.

All you have to do is type your URL into the box and it spiders through your site (not the protected areas, tho) and it finds all the dead links.

Then you can go and fix those pesky links. Thank you, dead-links.com.

read more

Videos Help Your Business

I know I like to watch videos (especially short ones). I know they sell. But how to make them?….Watch Andy Jenkins.

I hope all of you are watching the Andy Jenkins videos on how to make a great video. He does a great job of teaching us some techniques …. and without selling something!….that is unusual.

I am also enjoying Lon Naylor’s comments about Andy’s videos. Be sure to read Lon’s blog post.

Don’t forget to download the videos to your hard drive so you can watch them at a later date. Did you notice that little download link right below the videos? read more

Will You Be Judged by Your Words – or Lack of Them?

by Steven W. Allen, J.D.
[This is an excerpt of his article “Words” — to read the entire article click here]

Perhaps you remember that commercial which began: “People do judge you
by the words you use!” As an author and an attorney, I love words, I work
with words, I help others with words. Words are my tools.
. . .
Companies have distinct tax benefits, asset protection characteristics, and
valuation procedures. To keep such benefits, companies are required to keep
written records of their business decisions known as “minutes.” Such
records set these companies apart as separate and distinct entities for a
business purpose. Companies must meet at least annually, and more often for
unique or major business decisions. read more

Business Book Review — The Answer

I teach my clients that if you really want to build a solid business, you have to begin with your mindset … and your vision. After you have the correct mindset (you have shifted your thoughts to align with the law of attraction) and your business vision is firmly implanted, then you begin the day to day, nuts and bolts, running of the business.

John Assaraf & Murray Smith have outlined this process beautifully in their book, The Answer. They take you step by step from beginning to end on just how to build a solid, profitable business. I use the principles in this book everyday  as I build my empire. I highly recommend it. read more

8 Point Website Checkup for the New Year

As 2010 begins, it’s a great time to check your website to make sure everything works and is up-to-date.

Here are the 8-Points to Check:

1. Make sure your copyright is current. Change all the © 2009 at the bottom of your web pages to © 2010. All copyright symbols should be followed by the year, your company name, followed by “All rights reserved.” For example, mine reads: © 2010 Just A Minute, LLC. All rights reserved.

2. Check for any dead links. No one likes to get that dreaded “404” message when they click on a link from your site. You can go through each page and click on each link. Or you can do it the easy way: go to http://www.dead-links.com/ and get a full report of all dead links on your site. read more

Screenr — Online Application that Rocks!

Have you seen it?

It’s the new Online Screen Capture application — and it’s FREE! Free is always good.

Have you ever just wished you could be right next your buddy at his computer to show him where he should click? Sometimes it’s impossible when he lives across town or in another state or even another country.

Now you can instantly record your screen AND record your voice, make a video and tweet it to him . . . all within seconds.

Or you could put it up on YouTube or even on your own site. read more