

Our Founder – Kari VanNoy is a paralegal who saw a myriad of problems occurring when small business owners didn’t have their company paperwork up to date. One small business owner they knew had most of his business deductions disallowed, one owner was sued and the opposing attorney was able to get to not only his business assets, but also his personal assets, too! They took his home, car and business and essentially he had to start over.

If you want to protect your business, save a bunch of time on your corporate paperwork, and keep all your business tax deductions, then Kari VanNoy is the one to turn to. The use and care of your corporation, LLC or Limited Partnership is extremely important if you want to bullet-proof your company from an audit or lawsuit.

Kari’s mission is to educate and protect small business owners like you.

Kari in alliance with an estate planning attorney, created “Just A Minute, LLC” to assist busy entrepreneurs with their corporate and company minutes and resolutions to keep their company assets safe, secure and protected.