Too Busy Running Your Business to
Keep Up Your Company Minutes?
Minutes Service Saves You Time!
Let’s face it, running a business can be exhausting. There are many things to think about such as marketing, selling, phone calls, emails, customer service, product fulfillment, and more…Who has time to stop and think about the business documentation? But this is perhaps one of the most important tasks you can do to keep your business protected…
In fact, most small business owners don’t have the time to research how to document their business actions, then type them up, and make sure they are signed correctly and put in their book. No, if you’re like me, you are busy with all the other daily tasks. Then, at home there’s dinner and the kids to take care of. Right?
That’s where Just A Minute, LLC comes in. The beautiful thing about the monthly Minutes Service is, you just take 15 minutes a month, tell us what you’ve done in your business using our quick and easy online questionnaire to jog your memory. Then, we do all the work! We make sure it’s documented correctly, we make sure the correct officers or members signatures are on the appropriate documents and meetings, then we send it to you electronically. All you have to do is Print, Sign, and place in your company minute book! Don’t have a minute book? Read here for more information.
We also keep you informed of when your Annual Meeting should be. And, if we don’t hear from you, we automatically prepare it for you! So you can enjoy your vacation time or keep on working, knowing that you are covered in either case. Whew, that sure takes a burden off you. And, at a business expense priced affordably (at less than a latte a day!), you can take care of your company while keeping more for your bottom line. (Read here for more)
Monthly Minute Service – $595 per year
• Monthly checklist reminder
• Unlimited resolutions for business actions
Annual Meeting Minutes
• Includes Waiver of Notice of Annual Meeting
• Company Record Summary included
Special Minutes – Unlimited
• Prepared for all major business trips
• Waiver or notice of meeting
• Prepared for other significant meetings other than your annual meeting
Catch Up Service to Get You Back on Track!
Time can be a formidable competitor. How long has it been since you’ve taken a look at your company minute book? When was the last time you documented your Annual Meeting? Or any business trips? Or any business decisions at all? Now’s the time to take that minute book off the shelf, dust it off, and review your last minutes. Haven’t done them in a couple years? We have an easy way to get you back on track! (read more)
Catch-Up Minutes – $595 per catch-up year

Minutes – Pro Package ($595)
plus 1 Year Catch-Up Minutes ($400)

Company Rescue Service to Solidify your Foundation!
We’ve all heard the story about the man who builds his house on the sand, and the man who builds his house on the rock…which one will last? The one built on the rock, of course. It’s the solid foundation needed to make sure the rest of the house will remain strong. Well, your business foundation is just as important. Do you have your Articles of Organization (or incorporation), and your EIN number? Most small business owners do. But those aren’t the only documents you need to show you are running your business like a true business… (read more)
Rescue Service $695
- Company Minute Book
- Operating Agreement
- Initial Organizational Minutes
- Membership/Stockholder interest schedules
- Initial Contribution Schedules
- Certificates of Ownership (units or shares)
- Company Seal
Turn Your Paperwork Hours into… Minutes!
- Your minutes are prepared in minutes with our secure automated system
- Our friendly staff is here to serve you M-F, 9-4 Pacific at 480-344-1870
- Secure Online Vault stores all your minutes and resolutions so if anything ever happens, there’s always a backup.